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Aluminum self supporter cables

For first time this kind of cables used in French on 1955 as a replace of low voltage networks with copper conductors but very soon this product could find a very nice place between users because of it’s a lots of advantages Acquaintance with this cable’s usage is not too old but attend to it’s advantages as described above a lots of users are desirous to use of it.

Low voltage Aluminum self supporter cables

Construction of this cables is compose of 3 simple strand one as phase, the other as a neutral and last one as a supporter strand. Conductors made of Aluminum and supporter self strand made of galvanized steel. All of strands insulated with black XLPE or LLD in these cables self supporter will tolerate all of mechanic forces above cables manufacture in different size and sometimes also have lighting string.


1) Reduction abuse of roads electricity

2) Economical justify for replace with copper’s lines

3) Possibility of usages in narrow road and security of personnel

4) Needless to cut and recision of trees

5) Reduction no distributed energies

6) Reduction of black out and continue of energy convey

7) Resist against corrosion and line’s life time

8) Reduction of damages of conflagration in woody places

9) Impossibility of network steal

10) Reduction of network’s masts weight

With use of self supporting Aluminum cables above problems will reduce until 85%, possibility abuse of low voltage lines which cause to consumedly increase standard load of Arial low voltage and even cause to any damage in network.